Seamless integration

Simulations will easily become an integral part of your existing learning programmes, courses, and curriculums.

Use Sims on Your LMS

Upload simulations to your learning management system – they work just like any other e-learning course. You will receive completion data and scores for every learner. Additionally, you will receive granular decision-point data for every learner (or cohorts of learners) in your BranchTrack dashboard. Our data collecting capabilities supplement and expand what your LMS can do.

Embed Sims in your E-learning Courses

Stop testing knowledge, test skills instead! Replace quizzes with engaging practical simulations and see if your learners can apply their new knowledge in real-world scenarios. Engage learners with realistic challenge to improve retainment. Collect actionable data about learner behavior. BranchTrack scenarios can comfortably work inside Articulate Storyline, Rise, Adobe Captivate, Gomo, Lectora and most other tools or platforms.

Use Sims over Zoom/Teams/Webex

Gamify your webinar training by offering learners to play a real-time scenario. Simulations progress and score will be visible on a live scoreboard that your can share with your learners. Learners will appreciate the opportunity to apply their new skills in a competitive environment and you will get all their decision-making data to provide valuable feedback without spending too much time or effort.

Use Sims in Classroom

Replace traditional roleplay with digital sims. Learners will be excited about a competitive opportunity to demonstrate and try their skills. Facilitators will enjoy a live dashboard with decision-point data that lets them quickly provide useful feedback without effort.

Read how PwC revolutionized their training with simulation in our case study.

We support you every step of your L&D process

Experiential learning provides a platform for hands-on experience without real-world risks. From initial training through to advanced skill refinement, it offers realistic scenarios that mirror workplace challenges.

Enable decision-making and critical thinking in a controlled environment. Facilitate deeper learning and longer retention. Adapt to various learning environments from face-to-face workshops to virtual classrooms to self-paced e-learning courses.

Let’s talk about sims

Sims in fully self-paced training

Sims in mobile learning

Classroom training with sims

Sims and blended learning

Live Zoom sessions with sims

Loved by Fortune 500 and SMBs alike. Check our case studies