Why Simulations?

Simulations are a way of learning by doing, where learners get to make decisions, practice skills, and deal with real-life situations. This approach lets people try things out and make mistakes without any real-world consequences.

A new manager can practice giving feedback to their team, learning from any errors before dealing with their actual colleagues. A service desk employee can practice handling a difficult customer issue. A physician can practice making a diagnosis. Learning from mistakes in a simulation is incredibly effective because it sticks with you. Just like how a pilot trains on a flight simulator before flying a real plane, practicing in a simulated environment helps employees be better prepared and more confident, leading to the best outcomes for the company.

Make Mistakes Safely

Learning from mistakes is how adults learn. Sims let learners to experiment and learn from their mistakes in a safe setting, both on their own and in a facilitated classroom. It is a highly effective way to engage learners, boost skills retention, and create tangible business impact.

70/20/10 Approach That Actually Works

The 70/20/model says that 70% of what people learn comes from experiential learning, 20% from informal, and 10% from formal. How can you bring this incredibly valuable "experiential learning" into the e-learning you create? Make scenario-based training part of your curriculum. Replace quizzes with practical simulations inside the course materials you already have or plan to develop. Add digital simulations to your synchronous Zoom- or Teams-based events. Take digital sims offline and into your classroom setting.

Real Return on Learning Investment

...people only retain around 20% of what they learn from a formal learning experience within a matter of days. (Brandon Hall Group, 2022)

Let's be honest; most of formal training will be forgotten by your learners very, very quickly, unless they apply it on their job or... in a simulation. Simulations act as a force multiplier for your more traditional courses and classes. They anchor and cement knowledge and skills. They make sure every dollar invested into learning stays within your organisation in the form of better skills, better knowledge, and better performance.

Future-proof Training

As more and more tasks are automated and some jobs are outright replaced by automation, the rest of the workforce is put under pressure. Modern workers need to demonstrate a range of skills like critical thinking, leadership, decision-making, and even compassion. Traditional training fails to develop complex, multi-layered skills - one does not simply become a leader by reading about leadership. Practical simulations let learners bridge the gap between theory and practice and develop these sought-after future-proof skills.

We support you every step of your L&D process

Experiential learning provides a platform for hands-on experience without real-world risks. From initial training through to advanced skill refinement, it offers realistic scenarios that mirror workplace challenges.

Enable decision-making and critical thinking in a controlled environment. Facilitate deeper learning and longer retention. Adapt to various learning environments from face-to-face workshops to virtual classrooms to self-paced e-learning courses.

Let’s talk about sims

Sims in fully self-paced training

Sims in mobile learning

Classroom training with sims

Sims and blended learning

Live Zoom sessions with sims

Loved by Fortune 500 and SMBs alike. Check our case studies